Thursday, November 5, 2009

ambiguous age

Apparently I could look anywhere between 20-30. That's TEN years!

One of my 9th grade classes thought I didn't graduate from college yet. Seriously. They really thought that. We were in the middle of another chaotic class period when somehow the topic of education came up. They were amazed to find out that I graduated. I was amazed to find out that they thought I hadn't. They told me that they thought I came back to Taiwan for summer vacation and decided to teach while I'm here. That was when I suddenly realized and understood why they gave me such little respect. Things are much better now between us, but they are still my craziest class.

I wrote about the twins in my other 9th grade class and from that story you can tell that they are the ones who thought I was older. My other classes (8 and 10) have not tried to make a guess yet since only a few students have opened up to me.

Though all my classes have a different idea of how old I am, the same question keeps coming up: Do you have a boyfriend? I don't know why all my students think I need a boyfriend, but it seems like most of them are in a hurry to find me one when I tell them I don't. What is wrong with being single? Some even suggested that I date one of the other teachers in this school. Hmm...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

the secret

The big "secret" that I mentioned on facebook a week ago is something you all know very well - I can speak Chinese! Because the students are NOT allowed to speak Chinese in English class and because they are a sneaky group, who like to slip in a Chinese word here and there just to test me, I told them that I don't speak Chinese. Of course, the students are skeptical and my incoherent answers just add to their confusion. Oh, it's so much fun!

Anyway, my school had a Parent Teacher Conference last weekend and it was interesting to meet some of the parents. During each one-on-one meeting, I discovered some startling things about some of my students. The most surprising thing was that one of my students is the youngest brother of this guy who graduated from my high school two years before I did. What are the chances of that happening? No wonder that student looked familiar when I first met him. The mom was super supportive and excited that I am an alumnus from the same high school her other two sons went to.

Now, the reason why the cat was almost let out of the bag was because my student's mom obviously knows that I can speak Chinese. I mean, I didn't tell her directly but I sort of knew her oldest son and most of the people who went to my high school can speak Chinese. It's not a big deal if all my students knew, but I know they'd just start getting lazy and take the easy way out by using Chinese instead of English to talk to me, which defeats the purpose of practicing and learning English! So, I emailed the mom and told her to please keep everything a secret. 16 hours later, she emailed me back saying she's glad I didn't tell the students that I could speak Chinese and to please keep this a secret for as long as possible. She didn't want her son to know either. Interesting. Did I mention she's really supportive? Yeah. It would've been perfect if only she kept my yearbook pictures a secret from her son as well. I threatened told him nicely to never ever bring any of the yearbooks to school.

For now, my secret is safe with... this parent, my supervisor, and some of my colleagues.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

more blogs

I'm still undecided about whether I should have a blog for my students or not. I don't want them to add me on facebook because of too many reasons - pictures and random comments. However, I'd like to randomly share some fun stuff like the Halloween pictures on the blog above with them. Hmm... what should I do?