Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Taiwan #2

Ask any local Taiwanese where you can buy some limes and they'll look at you with a confused look on their face. As far as I know, Taiwan only sells lemons. (I don't know if they sell limes at Costco as I'm too poor to be a member.)
"But wait!!!" you say. "Isn't that green thing a lime?"
I'm sorry. That's a lemon. Taiwan lemons are green. No limes. Just lemons.
I tried educating someone by using Skittles but, alas, the results were... fruitless. Sorry for the pun.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Answers #1

I had to conduct a bunch of speaking tests last Saturday and one of the test items had a series of pictures in it where the test candidate had to make up a story. Here's the first picture:

And one of the test candidates started her story like this:

"I have a very cute daughter and she likes to play with balls."

Okay, okay. Aside from the fact that I was thinking in the wrong direction, I do believe this is a boy and it's just one ball. And no, points were not taken off for the gender of the toddler.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Speak English

This is an ad from a few years ago for Let's Talk, an ESL TV show.
I love it.

The main question is: "Can you speak English?"

Monday, August 3, 2009

Clothes Guidelines #1

Your lowcut top is high enough if there aren't any females staring at your boobs.